UPDATED 3-12-2021
tweaked starsurge when ventyr in its pooling dynamics with Ravenous Frenzy vs Hysteria. It will now fully optimally pool your surges towards the end of your hysteria. small tweak to FoE.
UPDATED 3-12-2021 (2)
tweaked AP check for builders (prevent overflow), frenzy hysteria visuals and tweaked the dynamic with Fury of Elune. tweaked casting dynamics dots, added fury of elune inbetween Frenzy cycles without interfering.
UPDATED 3-12-2021
added the reworked multi target now aswell. hotfixed a starfall cooldown/resource issue.
UPDATED 2-12-2021
major reforge to the addon core for single target. To many changes to write down. Its suberb though. illustrational video will follow shortly. multi target is being reworked as we speak.