The War Within 11.0
Maximize your DPS output with this user friendly
and extreme high quality rotation addon script!
Simulation of script
Change log UPDATED 21-08-2024 UPDATED 26-2-2021 Legion: UPDATE 17-02-2018
Shiv hotfixes > synergy with kingsbane if TAL
UPDATED 15-08-2024
UnitBuff hotfixes to new table variant to adequately track keybindings and hotfix LUA errors.
UPDATED 07-08-2024
Moved vanish to side bar
UPDATED 25-07-2024
Fully updated for the use in The War Within 11.0 patch
UPDATED 20-04-2024
tweaks hotfixes and optimizations.
UPDATED 08-01-2024
T31 tweaks, further optim, multi target distance variables fix
UPDATED 21-11-2023
full reforge 10.2
UPDATED 03-09-2023
Reviewed. No changes required for patch 10.1.7
UPDATED 16-07-2023
full rework 190 –> 124 auras
UPDATED 16-07-2023
Full rework for patch 10.1.5
UPDATED 01-06-2023
hotfix dynamics ambush
UPDATED 01-05-2023
Full rework for patch 10.1
UPDATED 16-04-2023
Rework latest sims, ui changes
UPDATED 24-02-2023
vanish > SD dynamic prio
UPDATED 21-02-2023
tweaks to the new core. more fluid with fan the hammer in flight shots, ambush tweaks. yielding perfect simoutputs in live. incorporated all cds into the rot as mini, for a more fluid gameplay. tweaks to layering, small bug fixes. output is 97-104% of sim dps 🙂
UPDATED 19-02-2023
new rotation core, output = 101% of sim dps 🙂
UPDATED 04-02-2023
tweaks to the dynamics of BtEdebuff-Greenskin-ImproviedBtE-RP, in flight calculations for the multiple in sequence pistol shots when talented fan the hammer.
UPDATED 26-01-2023
tweaks for fan the hammer and ambush. optimal for 10.0.5
UPDATED 21-01-2023
multi tweaks and hotfixes for an even superior optimal dps.
UPDATED 16-01-2023
Reforged T29 dynamics. (full reforge). live yields 108% of simulation.
UPDATED 19-12-2022
new RtB dynamics
UPDATED 09-12-2022
hotfixed animacharged abilities
UPDATED 05-12-2022
Reworked rotational core for Ambush, shadow dance (buff triggers), shadow dance usage for var.spenders, all keybindings for shadowdance buff –> stealth bar, other small tweaks, KiR tweaks
UPDATED 26-11-2022
hotfixed fan the hammer-pistol shot dynamics
UPDATED 27-10-2022
covenant changes
UPDATED 26-10-2022
UPDATED 24-10-2022
Release of Dragonflight beta script
UPDATED 20-09-2022
date stamp hotfixes and other small tweaks
UPDATED 01-08-2022
hides crippling poison when numbing poison has been applied; allows players to alternate poisons to their wishes.
UPDATED 30-06-2022
major reforge of the addon. advised to download new version asap!
UPDATED 06-06-2022
optimized for patch 9.2.5
UPDATED 02-04-2022
Removed the count the odds variables as 99% of players are running with this conduit and it soaks unnecessary CPU memory. added load triggers for many abilities (covenant/legendaries) to make it more efficient on memory. Removed a set of between the eyes auras and changed the between the eyes visibility to a smaller icon at appropriate timings in the rotation; this allows players to use it optimally or choose to delay it for a different or later target.
UPDATED 21-03-20222
fixed a typo in the versions date which confused players.
UPDATED 31-01-2022
hotfixed file in full package. tweaked for upcoming patch 9.2.
UPDATED 6-12-2021
full rework to optimize for patch 9.1.5.
UPDATED 27-06-2021
Implemented all rogue class and rotational changes for the upcoming patch 9.1
Reforged to the latest standards op 9.0 tier 26. The script includes numerous tweaks towards legendaries and conduit alterations (mark of the master assassin, tiny toxic blades, deadly shadows, count the odds). The roll the bones advance dynamics have been altered in the latest t26 developments optimized around 226 ilvl with 2 conduits and 1 legendary. The need for separate script for sleight of hand is thereby not needed any longer. Added gouge as a filler when talented dirty tricks. Added shiv with tiny toxic blades equipped. Added pre-combat (pre-pull) abilities. Added glow effect for optimal killing spree. Hides between the eyes for minions and low hp normal type of mobs.
UPDATED 30-12-2020
hotfixes typo sleight of hand (height of hand)
UPDATED 21-12-2020
scripts now properly use the stealth ability free usage from sepsis covenant ability.
UPDATED 13-12-2020
updated a major flaw in the script for RtB. shifted opener, changed conditions for slice and dice, changed priority for blade rush, added seperate version for ” height of hand” conduit with the perfect alterations to roll the bones. changed priority of covenant abilities. deemed fully optimal.
UPDATED 22-11-20202
added covenant class abilitites, added on use trinkets.
UPDATED 5-11-2020
compared live version to sims 99% optimal output. added poisons. added major essences. added keybindings which adapt to the default bar and stealth bar. added vanish conditions for ambush.
UPDATED 26-8-2020
Fully reforged for the use in shadowlands 9.0
UPDATED 8-8-2020
added trinket on use compatibility, added casting sweep in addition to gcd sweep. other small tweaks and hotfixes.
UPDATED 11-4-2020
script now automatically sees and counts your azerite traits (Deadshots, Ace up your sleeve and snake eyes) and based on the amount of each of these traits your roll the bonus conditions will adapt slightly. this masterscript thus does all the thinking including variables from your gear.
UPDATED 29-2-2020
I have changed the roll the bones conditions to the latest developments, optimsed for Deadshot traits (which end tier characters and your gear is revolved around). I have also added pandemic Roll the bones.
Conditions for ALL spenders have been tweaked to take into account opportunity and broadside; this prevents CP wasting. The priority listing has shifted according to the latest 8.3 standards with many inherent changes. I have added reaping flames and burning flame to the main rotation in their new priority, listing, idem for blade rush. I have added Ashevane’s Razor Coral compatibility and this will show with a glow effect when reaching 20 stacks, as this is the threshold for reusing it. The Between the eyes conditions have been totally reforged. The pistol shot condtions have been tweaked to reflect opportunity optimally. Marked for Death is now considered a CD and is placed on the side aura (allowing low mobs sniping at the players descrition).
UPDATED 12-1-2020
this specialisation is now fully compatible with the changes of patch 8.3 which will be released on January 14th. The new essences are incorporated and the keybinding detection functionality is now applied to all major essences equipped for an optimal gaming experience. For more in depth information about the changes or for leftover questions, feel free to contact our support team
UPDATED 17-12-2019
changed the combopoint calculator for all finisher spells, it will always use your finishers at maximum combopoints determined by your talents deeper strategem / vigor / marked for death. it will reduce the maximum combopoints when broadside or opportunity proc is active in order to not waste combopoints.
Extensively evaluated the roll the bones triggers and they will actively be used determine on the amount and type of buffs, azerite traits, loaded dice, combo points, talents etc. very advanced determinations for optimal guidance.
UPDATED 18-10-2019
added keybindings to the script.
UPDATED 18-8-2019
updated the roll the bones logic according to the single (1-2targets) or multi (3+target) logics from the Ravenholt Discord. this will secure optimal rolls during mythic plus and adequately changes to single target once less then 3 enemies are within your vicinity.
changed the priority of between the eyes when running deeper strategem to be used on cd with any active roll to possible prevoke its proc.
UPDATED 15-7-2019
compatible with all 8.2 essences.
UPDATED 15-6-2019
optimal for patch 8,2 fixed the tooltip frame strata buggs.
UPDATED 12-4-2019
updated for optimal use in 8.1.5. changes the roll the bones conditions to the latest developments in the field, it now also takes into account blade flurry synergistics and adapts accordingly. changed some auras and re-released the free version without roll the bones 8.1.5.
UPDATED 6-1-2019
rewrote the script in WA2.10.11 for optimal compatibility and neglectable FPS loss. added gauge and cheap shot in addition to kick as interrupt on side aura.
repositioned blade flurry to be bigger on the left side aura. merged the roll the bones and slice and dice script in 1 script which auto detects.
recoded roll the bones to be 10x more efficient with same perfection. created a free version for our community which has no support for roll the bones but does support all other talents and multi target blade flurry.
UPDATED 13-12-2018
updated for the optimal use in 8.1
UPDATED 24-11-2018
updated the roll the bones script only: changed the roll the bones triggers as it was not optimally taking all variables into consideration. It now rerolls when you have no buffs at all/ when you have 1 buff and it is not RP or GM/ 1 buff and loaded dice is up.
UPDATED 8-11-2018
hotfix kick and crimson vial as they were not functioning in combat.
UPDATED 4-11-2018
Fully reforged the addon to adapt to the latest changes of 8.0/8.1 Used the prio version as a template to not miss on any features.
extensively tested, deemed optimal.
Adviced to take this latest version and remove the older ones.
UPDATED 17-09-2018
Fixed an bug/error that occured with older scripts in newer WA2 versions where triggers got changed. all functional again for the latest WA2 now.
UPDATED 14-09-2018
added a script compatible with the rotational alterations caused by Ace Up Your Sleeves or Deadshot azerite traits, when you have one of these traits, or both.
UPDATED 02-08-2018
Updated the script to the latest standards on icy veins 8.0. Changed the conditions for roll the bones, it now uses it properly taking into account loaded dice (if talented) / Ruthlessprecision / GrandMelee variables which determine your bone. incorporated Between the eyes with RP procs. did some small tweaks here and there. Optimal performance.
UPDATED 20-06-2018
Released BfA version, which is still subjective to changes, changes will be automatically uploaded and accessible for the community. Remodelled the website interface for BfA.
tweak to MfD talent trigger for run though (bug fix when not selected MfD talent), minor visual changes. confirmed optimal usage for 7.3.5 incl legendaries and T21.
UPDATE 03-01-2018
updates for compatibility with T21-4set bonus, which previously interefered with the refresh aura for roll the bonus.
UPDATED 04-11-2017
now compatible with vigor and anticipation talents. (not adviced but allows you to do so though)
UPDATED 02-10-2017
Implemented rotational changes. Visual changes.
Implemented high performance gcd trackers.
Implemented hide when no attackable target selected.
Compatible with all game languages now.
How do I install these scripts? Click here
How do I access my scripts after completion? Entered the wrong e-mail address at purchase? Nobody is perfect, contact us with your transaction ID and we will fix it for you.
1) At “MY WOW DOC” account, just login with your e-mail address and password in our website (you can find your password in your mail)
2) directly downloadable at your checkout-completion page
3) directly downloadable from your receipt in your self chosen e-mail address (if it doesn’t show in your inbox; check your spam/junk folder)
Talent compatibility of the script. Do i have the right talents? All talents are compatible. Pick the ones best suited for your situation, the script automatically adapts to it! [/showhide] I can use this with all game languages, correct?
These scripts are compatible with all game languages like english, german, french, spanish, italian and many others.
How have these scripts been crafted?
I have a question and cannot find the answer where can i contact you?
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