The War Within 11.0
Maximize your DPS output with this user friendly
and extreme high quality rotation addon script!
Simulation of script
Change log UPDATED 01-09-2024 UPDATED 17-03-2021 Legion: UPDATE 16-05-2018
echoing reprimand hotfix + combo point spenders with visuals. tweak to deathmark; waits for garrote ready to sync.
UPDATED 31-08-2024
talent hotfix indis.carnage.
UPDATED 25-08-2024
multi target fix
UPDATED 16-08-2024
UnitBuff hotfixes to new table variant to adequately track keybindings and hotfix LUA errors. echoing reprimand buff stack counter and combopoint comparer.
UPDATED 07-08-2024
Hotfixes for vanish openers.
UPDATED 25-07-2024
Fully updated for the use in The War Within 11.0 patch
UPDATED 08-01-2024
T31 tweaks, further optim, multi target distance variables fix
UPDATED 7-12-2023
deathmark, shadow dance and vanish/garrote fixes.
UPDATED 17-11-2023
multi target fix (iteminrange) API
UPDATED 05-11-2023
Reworked for the use in patch 10.2
UPDATED 03-09-2023
Reviewed. No changes required for patch 10.1.7
UPDATED 16-07-2023
Full rework for patch 10.1.5
UPDATED 01-05-2023
Full rework for patch 10.1
UPDATED 16-04-2023
Rework latest sims, ui changes
UPDATED 26-01-2023
Small tweak for shiv and kingsbane 10.0.5 optimal.
UPDATED 18-01-2023
Full reforge T29 vault.
UPDATED 26-10-2022
released dragonflight script
UPDATED 06-06-2022
optimized for patch 9.2.5
UPDATED 16-02-2022
Reworked and optimized for the use in patch 9.2
UPDATED 15-12-2021
Added crimson tempest as a single target filler in the exact right conditions (no interference with master assassin, no interference with shiv up window, no dashing scoundrel legendary equipped, optimal CP en Energy within pandemic windows or without the debuff up). Added some tweaks to the envenom indicator during shiv window. fixed an de-saturated energy visual during imminent drop of slice and dice. Added master assassin text to opener mutilate.
UPDATED 13-12-2021
added tweaks to crimson tempest, added garrote swap target indicators; script tells you when to swap target in the case you have multiple targets around you, for optimal usage of garrote (and rupture) on multiple targets.
UPDATED 6-12-2021
full rework to patch 915
UPDATED 27-06-2021
Implemented all rogue class and rotational changes for the upcoming patch 9.1
hotfixed a wrongly noted date stamp for the update that had taken place on 21-02-2021. the script did contain the february 21st changes but was noted as december 21st.
UPDATED 21-02-2021
Sript differentiates now if garrote and/or rupture will be effective DOTs on the enemy and will pass these abilities if the enemies are estimated to die sooner than the DOT will contribute to DPS in comparison to envenom. Other small tweaks and visualization changes. Optimized for 9.0 to the latest intelligence.
UPDATED 21-12-2020
prevents clipping of opening garrote when talented subterfuge or nightstalker.
UPDATED 19-12-2020
optimised and reforged for master assassin (leggy). including opener. shifted single target rotation. added proper shiv usage. removed CT from single target. tweaked multi target conditions CT. added berserking racial.
UPDATED 22-11-2020
added covenant class abilities, added on use trinkets.
UPDATED 6-11-2020
added automatic detection of keybindings in stealth or default bar, theres no need to bind the same keys in these bars. Added a visual when no dagger is equipped in main hand. added all other major essences for preptach.
UPDATED 18-10-2020
Re-added reaping flames and concentrated flames to the rotation for the duration of prepatch.
UPDATED 4-10-2020
changes to the 9.0 script: added multi target compatibility (FoK, CT), tweaked crimson vial, added echoing reprimand compatibility, tweaked range indicator for shadowstep. other small tweaks.
UPDATED 22-9-2020
hotfixed blindside buffed ambush as it was causing icon flickering when talented blindside.
UPDATED 26-8-2020
Fully reforged for the use in shadowlands 9.0
UPDATED 10-8-2020
added casting sweeps in addition to gcd sweeps. added numerous tweaks, changes and hotfixes for end tier BfA.
UPDATED 30-06-2020
now also prevents clipping of exsanguinated garrotes (aswell as ruptures see update 28-6).
due to latest haste changes added crimson tempest to teh single target build once again.
hotfixed exsanguinate pandemic timer of rupture to not interfere with the current exsanguinating rupture, yielding more dps.
UPDATED 11-4-2020
fixed year datestamp which was 1 year behind. added reaping flames to main rotation. added a login suggestion for actionbar keybindings. and some other small minor tweaks.
UPDATED 23-2-2020
reworked some subterfuge and nightstalker dynamics. it will now not clip the garrote from stealth/vanish/subterfuge. change opener for subterfuge when displaying vendetta. changed visuals of vanish to glow when you should use it for buffed garrote in subterfuge talented conditions. strongly adviced to take this new script when running subterfuge.
UPDATED 18-2-2020
updated the opener of assassination rogue single target when talented subterfuge (+toxic blade) preferably with 1 or more ” shrouded suffocation” traits. Also removed Crimson tempest from the single target target dynamic rotation due to shifts in overall output.
UPDATED 9-2-2020
added variable master assassin for the concentrated flame ability. these will now adequately take into account each other to prevent interference in achieving max dps.
UPDATED 31-12-2019
Prereleased the 8.3 script for assassination rogue to be compatible with the upcomming changes in 8.3.
It is now compatible with 3 new essences and all essences have correct functioning key binding prompts.
UPDATED 03-11-2019
the allow single target prioritizing the script has been split into a “1target” script and a “2+targets” script. the multi target script will automatically show when multiple enemies are within the rogues melee range and will otherwise be hidden.
UPDATED 27-10-2019
moved stealth to main aura for more streamlined visuals. opener mutilate (master assassin) or garrote will now show keybinding from stealth bar instead of default bar. garrote will check for subterfuge buff and displays stealth bar keybinding instead of default bar. for optimal usage its suggested to bind the same abilities on default and stealth bar.
UPDATED 18-10-2019
added keybindings auto detect. for best usage bind the same aiblities on your default and stealth bar.
UPDATED 30-9-2019
tweaked opener and pre-post vanish for master assassin talent lv30 talent.
UPDATED 5-8-2019
updated the opener while talented into master assassination to include: Mut > Rup > Mut > Gar to benefit most from the increased crit chance and rupture uptime.
UPDATED 15-7-2019
compatible with all 8.2 essences
UPDATED 11-7-2019
now compatible with essence: memory of lucid dreams major.
UPDATED 13-06-2019
optimal for patch 8.2, moved 2min CD on sidebar 64×64 icon; allowing it to be delayed while continuin rotation.
UPDATED 6-6-2019
tweaked the tooltip frame strata and gcd visual for latest wa2 version.
UPDATED 2-5-2019
tweaked toxic blade pooling interaction with envenom.
UPDATED 20-4-2019
updated for optimal use in 8.1.5, coverted some auras en changed some default layering.
UPDATED 27-12-2018
changed all buff tracking to the latest weakauras2 versions (legacy –> to new). some small tweaks to toxic blade and dumping envenom. more efficient coding for vanish when using nightstalker.
UPDATED 13-12-2018
updated for the optimal use in 8.1
UPDATED 04-11-2018
Major overhaul of the script to suit the latest changes:
increased the efficiency of the coding by quite a bunch.
merged single and multi target, the script will now count how many enemies are within your melee range and shows the oppropriate multi target rotation if needed.
tweaked toxic blade to now preferably use it first and follow up with envenom, or if envenom was already up it will be shown as it should.
fixed the weapon poison icons, added kick interrupt icon, tweaked vendetta priority listing and triggers, fixed stealth icon, global cooldown alpha resetted to 100%.
And some other small changes. its adviced to replace your old versions.
UPDATED 23-06-2018
Released BfA version, which is still subjective to changes, changes will be automatically uploaded and accessible for the community. Remodelled the website interface for BfA.
Added visual cues which replace the small intentional gaps which occur using the script. this proves a smoother experience and gives an indication ofthe follow up spell while waiting (for energy/CD).
UPDATE 16-02-2018
Reforged the script to be fully compatible with the latest developments in the assassination rogue spec 7.3.5 supports bleed and poison build, supports legendary interactions and achieves optimal dps equal to simDPS algorythms. it is strongly adviced to replace the script from november 2017 with this one, even though that script is still viable but not fully optimised.
UPDATE 09-11-2017
scripts now properly hide when no target is selected
UPDATED 02-10-2017
Implemented high perf gcd. Implemented all game language compatibility.
Tweaked rotation slightly for better uptime on vendetta.
Added marked for death compatibility
Checked all current literature and compared output to simulation; excellent output!
Changed the noncombatgarrote trigger to make sure it doesnt trigger when no garrote is on the target.
New legendary ring compatibility, so the red lines wont show.
How do I install these scripts? Click here
How do I access my scripts after completion? Entered the wrong e-mail address at purchase? Nobody is perfect, contact us with your transaction ID and we will fix it for you.
1) At “MY WOW DOC” account, just login with your e-mail address and password in our website (you can find your password in your mail)
2) directly downloadable at your checkout-completion page
3) directly downloadable from your receipt in your self chosen e-mail address (if it doesn’t show in your inbox; check your spam/junk folder)
Talent compatibility of the script. Do i have the right talents? All talents are compatible. Pick the ones best suited for your situation, the script automatically adapts to it! [/showhide] I can use this with all game languages, correct?
These scripts are compatible with all game languages like english, german, french, spanish, italian and many others.
How have these scripts been crafted?
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