The War Within 11.0
Maximize your output with this user friendly
and extreme high quality rotation addon script!
Healing frame adapts to your friendly target
DPS rotation adapts to balance/feral/guardian affinity talents
UPDATED 02-09-2024 UPDATED 04-11-2023 UPDATED 12-2-2021
Change log
Hero talent alterations and rotational optimization [healing] script.
UPDATED 19-08-2024
Hotfixed the dps location UI + moonfire sunfire ui hotfixes.
UPDATED 26-07-2024
Fully updated for the use in The War Within 11.0 patch
UPDATED 27-04-2024
moonfire and sunfire incorp. into feral affinity dps rotation
UPDATED 04-01-2024
Multi healing automation calculators
UPDATED 03-12-2023
Multi healing hotfix.
UPDATED 18-11-2023
added grove gardians, hotfixed the range/multi target variables due to recent changes in the API
Reworked for the use in patch 10.2
UPDATED 02-09-2023
Rework for patch 10.1.7 ; grove guardians, wild synthesis among others.
UPDATED 16-07-2023
Full rework for patch 10.1.5
UPDATED 20-04-2023
Full rework for patch 10.1
UPDATED 22-03-2023
reworked for patch 10.0.7
UPDATED 6-02-2023
added the mouseover compatible build, this demands quite some memory due to the many mouseover hots, make sure to set your graphics lower or framerate lower if you encounter difficulties.
UPDATED 26-01-2023
10.0.5 optimization and changes
UPDATED 18-01-2023
Reworked T29 vault. optimal for 10.0.5
UPDATED 31-10-2022
Reworked and released for Dragonflight 10.0
UPDATED 11-07-2022
hotfixed mouseover build background rejuv and efficiency of memory usage
UPDATED 09-07-2022
added a mouseover compatible build in addition to target click build.
UPDATED 06-06-2022
Optimized for patch 9.2.5
UPDATED 09-02-2022
Optimized and updated for the use in upcoming patch 9.2! enjoy ;)UPDATED 05-01-2022
tweaks to UI and added adaptive swarm to main rotation with a hp dynamic.
UPDATED 6-12-2021
reworked the balance affinity dps rotation when targeting an enemy.
UPDATED 4-12-2021
fully updated to 9.1.5 to many changes to name.
UPDATED 26-06-2021
Updated in reflection of the latest changes for upcoming patch 9.1
hotfixed kyrian covenant abilities empower bond for dps/tanks.
UPDATED 6-1-2021
added compatibility with the dark titans lesson
UPDATED 28-12-20202
added covenant abilities, added on use trinkets, tweaks to interface.
UPDATED 4-11-2020
variety of tweaks to keybindings, nourish, rejuv etc
UPDATED 13-10-2020
hides wild growth when casting wild growth for a more smooth multi healing experience, tweaked overgrowth and natures swiftness treshholds.
UPDATED 2-10-2020
Fully reforged for the use in shadowlands 9.0
UPDATED 07-08-2020
added cancel shapeshift keybindings for bear, cat, and travel form as they were not displaying properly. moonkin form was already functioning.
other small tweaks and hotfixes.
UPDATED 7-4-2020
added party and raid hp checkers which counts the amount of allies which drop under certain hp values to show the use wild growith and tranquility when appropriate.
UPDATED 13-1-2020
this specialisation is now fully compatible with the changes of patch 8.3 which will be released on January 14th. The new essences are incorporated and the keybinding detection functionality is now applied to all major essences equipped for an optimal gaming experience. For more in depth information about the changes or for leftover questions, feel free to contact our support team
UPDATED 10-11-2019
released the hybrid build as illustrated in the illustrational video.
UPDATED 6-11-2019
added the tracking of multiple enemies in your vicinity to adequate differentiate between shred and swipe when having affinity with feral.
UPDATED 28-10-2019
many changes to the visual core, repositioning. fixed a few 8.2.5 bugs. added automatic detection of keybindings for all abilities. the heal frame only shows when your target is effectively healable. dps frame shows when target is effectively attackable.
UPDATED 18-7-2019
incorporated compatibility and adjustment for all 8.2 essences.
UPDATED 11-6-2019
optimal for patch 8.2, full reforge of script. now had all features: hiding when no target, showing dps rotation when target = hostile. heal frame when target=friendly. dps rotation depends on your balance/feral/guardian affinity. added cooldowns.
UPDATED 20-4-2019
release for 8.1.5
How do I install these scripts? Click here
How do I access my scripts after completion? Entered the wrong e-mail address at purchase? Nobody is perfect, contact us with your transaction ID and we will fix it for you.
1) At “MY WOW DOC” account, just login with your e-mail address and password in our website (you can find your password in your mail)
2) directly downloadable at your checkout-completion page
3) directly downloadable from your receipt in your self chosen e-mail address (if it doesn’t show in your inbox; check your spam/junk folder)
Talent compatibility of the script. Do i have the right talents? All talents are compatible. Pick the ones best suited for your situation, the script automatically adapts to it!
I can use this with all game languages, correct?
How have these scripts been crafted?
I have a question and cannot find the answer where can i contact you?
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