The War Within 11.0
Maximize your DPS output with this user friendly
and extreme high quality rotation addon script!
Simulation of script
Change log UPDATED 27-08-2024 Legion:
Full reforge for TWW
UPDATED 25-07-2024
Fully updated for the use in The War Within 11.0 patch
UPDATED 01-01-2024
further optimized and verified for T31
UPDATED 04-11-2023
reworked for the use in patch 10.2
UPDATED 03-09-2023
Reviewed. No changes required for patch 10.1.7
UPDATED 16-07-2023
Full rework for patch 10.1.5
UPDATED 14-06-2023
tweaks to mitigation section. e.g. vampiric blood, rune tap
UPDATED 21-04-2023
Full rework for patch 10.1
UPDATED 15-04-2023
Reforge towards latest sims, ui changes
UPDATED 01-01-2023
full reforge t29. 10.0.5 optimal PTR
UPDATED 17-11-2022
tweak DaD
UPDATED 29-10-2022
Reworked and released for dragonflight 10.0
UPDATED 14-08-2022
updated DRW rotation incl huge changes to the heart strike mechanics (with red visual glow)
UPDATED 16-06-2022
optimized for 9.2.5
UPDATED 08-04-2022
tweak for DRW and crimson legendary; added glow effects. basic change to DRW aswell.
UPDATED 03-02-2022
reworked for optimal use in patch 9.2
UPDATED 21-11-2021
new rotational core to reflect covenant dynamics (and conduits and runeforged). altered UI for bonestorm and multiple other abilities; to give a more clean view.
UPDATED 19-10-2021
updated to reflect the latest patch 9.1.5. changes. moving swarming mists into the main aura due to its hight priority on both multi and single target whilst the cooldown being only 60seconds.
UPDATED 25-06-2021
updated this script to reflect all the changes for the upcoming patch 9.1
UPDATED 19-02-2021
Added a higher priority blood boil when multi enemies are around the tank and at least 2 enemies have been lost aggro on (towards other players). enlarged the vampiric blood ability to be used in synergy with death strike. Relocated the position of the trinkets. Re-verified the entire script to the latest intel in 9.0.
UPDATED 10-12-2020
incorporated sacrifical pact at the correct timing with prepooling of RP.
UPDATED 22-11-2020
added covenant class abilitites, added txt, added on use trinkets. cov abilities keybindings are v1. regular abilities are v2. v3 due.
UPDATED 18-10-2020
added abbreviations for keybindings on the numpad and the extra mouse buttons for a more fluent interface.
UPDATED 18-9-2020
Fully reforged for the use in shadowlands 9.0
UPDATED 16-07-2020
added casting visual for blooddrinker which replaced the red bar in the old version. fixed a saturated timer for bloodboil when it should be desaturated to prevent confusion.
UPDATED 6-4-2020
hotfixed ossuary talent-boneshield refresh bug.
UPDATED 3-4-2020
incorporated concentrated flame in the main rotation, changed bonestorm value to 100 up from 85.
UPDATED 13-1-2020
this specialisation is now fully compatible with the changes of patch 8.3 which will be released on January 14th. The new essences are incorporated and the keybinding detection functionality is now applied to all major essences equipped for an optimal gaming experience. For more in depth information about the changes or for leftover questions, feel free to contact our support team
UPDATED 9-11-2019
reforged the scripts core to the latest standards at simcraft.
UPDATED 24-10-2019
incorporated keybindings detection (character specific auto detection).
UPDATED 21-8-2019
changed the interaction between heart strike and marrowrend. the script was being to conservative on holding on runes for marrowrend. Now the scripts utilizes the runes more efficient without marrowrend dropping or expiring.
UPDATED 18-7-2019
incorporated all available essences into the script.
UPDATED 9-6-2019
optimal for patch 8.2 tweaked the tooltip frame strata bug.
UPDATED 29-4-2019
recalibrated death strike calculater to the latest standard 8.1.5 changed visuals
UPDATED 20-4-2019
tweaked for the use in 8.1.5, converted all legacy auras, merged similar auras with custom efficiency. optimal for the use in 8.1.5
UPDATED 14-12-2018
updated for the use in patch 8.1
many tweaks, changed priority listing and enemy calculator, synergy etc.
UPDATED 8-12-2018
Minor tweaks to the DS calc, minor priority listing changes, increased opacacy of the gcd visual.
UPDATED 26-07-2018
fixed wrong load options for interrupts: Mind Freeze, Death Grip and fixed wrong load option for Mark of Blood (talent)
UPDATED 25-07-2018(2)
added progress bar while blooddrinking.
healing death strike will now only be visible when effectively usable.
UPDATED 25-07-2018
Released BfA version. Remodelled the website interface for BfA.
UPDATED 04-03-2018
no changes needed for 7.3.5 compatible with T21, new date stamps added. no email has been pushed out as this was not needed.
UPDATED 16-12-2017
minor update which shows upcomming spell even if its long on cd when absolutely nothing else is available. small tweak to heart strike when almost at 3 runes.
script output vs simDPS for single target = 99.1%
UPDATE 04-12-2017
Tweaks to the rotation to make more efficient use of runes and runic power as fillers, taking into account the timers stacks and cooldown on bone shield/marrowrend.
Tweak to visuals for the addon, and included a succesful installation message after importing with menu open.
UPDATED 29-09-2017
Implemented high performance global cooldown. DPS only addon = Free. DPS+mit+Death strike calculator = premium
How do I install these scripts? Click here
How do I access my scripts after completion? Entered the wrong e-mail address at purchase? Nobody is perfect, contact us with your transaction ID and we will fix it for you.
1) At “MY WOW DOC” account, just login with your e-mail address and password in our website (you can find your password in your mail)
2) directly downloadable at your checkout-completion page
3) directly downloadable from your receipt in your self chosen e-mail address (if it doesn’t show in your inbox; check your spam/junk folder)
Talent compatibility of the script. Do i have the right talents? All talents are compatible. Pick the ones best suited for your situation, the script automatically adapts to it! [/showhide] I can use this with all game languages, correct?
These scripts are compatible with all game languages like english, german, french, spanish, italian and many others.
How have these scripts been crafted?
I have a question and cannot find the answer where can i contact you?
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