The War Within 11.0
Maximize your DPS output with this user friendly
and extreme high quality rotation addon script!
Simulation of script
Change log UPDATED 02-09-2024 UPDATED 16-2-2021 UPDATED 21-11-2019 Legion: UPDATED 09-05-2018 Features of the pvp extension: -spear hand strike / leg sweep when target is casting a spell. including timer and visual to track his cast. -detox when the player is affected by a disease or poison -disable when the enemy is not already affected by disable -instant effuses when selected pvp talent “control of the mists” and hp<70% -healing elixer when hp <50% -usability of grapple weapon when selected -usability of tigering brew including stack counter x/10 -availability of defensives such as fortifying brew, zen moment, touch of karma -leg sweep when available by itself as a transparant like icon -hp tracker with green the effective hp, bleed red the missing hp Use this extension together with the single/multi target DPS rotatation(s).
Added celestial conduit compatibility, optimized hero talents and latest rotational core.
UPDATED 21-08-2024
Full reforge for 11.0.2
UPDATED 18-08-2024
Fixed the the changed API getspellInfo to tables. hitcombo tracker adapted.
Hotfixed chi wave new identifier. added filler TPs for multi target. hotfix touch of death. other small changes.
UPDATED 26-07-2024
Changes to on use weapons and trinkets
UPDATED 25-07-2024
Fully updated for the use in The War Within 11.0 patch
UPDATED 05-01-2024
splitted single and multi target rotation. hotfix for inrange multi target calculations.
UPDATED 20-11-2023
Hotfixed inrange and multi target variables due to recent API changes.
UPDATED 04-11-2023
Reworked for the use in patch 10.2
UPDATED 03-09-2023
Reviewed. No changes required for patch 10.1.7
UPDATED 10-08-2023
Full major rework for patch 10.1.5. new simulational algorithm applied.
UPDATED 28-05-2023
RSK T30 alterations 2+ targets
UPDATED 29-04-2023
Full rework for patch 10.1
UPDATED 15-04-2023
reworked rotational core and small ui fixes
UPDATED 20-03-2023
new rotational core 4+,4,3,2,1 target
UPDATED 06-02-2023
hotfix Storm earth and water final charge; now doesnt sit on it when not talented bonedust brew, but uses it in line with nexts fist of fury
UPDATED 15-01-2023
full reforge T29 vault simulation. tested yields 101% of simulation DPS in live 🙂 optimal for 10.0.5
UPDATED 20-12-2022
T29 tweaks
UPDATED 02-12-2022
reworked CD section
UPDATED 30-11-2022
hotfixed prio listing, added teachings of the monastery
UPDATED 21-11-2022
Removal of WoO rotation and Ser rotation as a preperation for DF full release.
UPDATED 24-10-2022
Release of Dragonflight beta script
UPDATED 06-07-2022
tweak to BOK filler to reduce wait, hotfix to chi burst opener where it was not hiding while casting.
UPDATED 06-06-2022
optimized for patch 9.2.5
UPDATED 16-02-2022
reworked and optimized for the use in patch 9.2
UPDATED 24-12-2021
splitted the script into a 1-2 target script and 3+ target script for more flexibility and smaller files to import.
UPDATED 12-12-2021
major changes to the interface, more plug and play style, more particular for necrolord.
UPDATED 06-12-2021
further optimized for 915. changes to ui, changes to trinkets.
UPDATED 26-06-2021
Updated in reflection of the latest changes for upcoming patch 9.1
hotfix to filler BoK. Tested live against simulation. Optimal 99-109% parse.
UPDATED 15-2-2021
Hotfixed energy capping TigerPalm/ExpelHarm/Fist of the white tiger as these were malfunctioning under the default single target rotation. This hotfix has big implications for the tiger palm usage.
UPDATED 10-2-2021
small visual change for storm earth and fire.
UPDATED 9-2-2021
hotfixed datestamp in the updates/changelog section; as it was showing 8th january instead of 8th february.
UPDATED 8-2-2021(2)
small hotfix multi target FoF
UPDATED 8-2-2021
Major update for Windwalker monk in this version: It is now in line with the latest developments in the game and the best output values as calculated with simulations. Script is compatible with Weapons or Order, Serenity, all other covenant abilities and legendary alterations, single target and automatic detection of multi target surrounding enemies. Added some visuals for procs, serenity, weapons of order and glow effects for optimal cooldown usage.
UPDATED 7-1-2021
changed the pooling visuals in the single target script, the script feels now more fluent while ensuring the same maximum dps.
[prepooling BoK while RSK on cd as visual into a TP > instant BoK, while TP on low E as visual]
UPDATED 14-12-2020
shifted priority of SKC in the multi target rotation, added a FoF filler.
UPDATED 11-12-2020
removed essences. added hit combo tracker for SKC
UPDATED 22-11-2020
added covenant class abilities, added on use trinkets.
UPDATED 10-11-2020
added mouse keybinding abbreviations.
UPDATED 26-10-2020
hotfixed expell harm for single and multi target. re-added essences for the prepatch being.
UPDATED 30-8-2020
Fully reforged for the use in shadowlands 9.0
UPDATED 8-8-2020
removed spellcasting bar as its info is irrelevant. Spell casting sweep replaces this with a visual.
added tweaks to rank 3 concentrrated flame. The multi target rotation will now only appear when multiple enemies are injured and will hide if not so, this prevents overflooding your interface with irrelevant icons, for a more relaxed and clean play style. other small tweaks, changes and hotfixes.
UPDATED 19-5-2020
hotfixed reaping flames when selected this essence as your major and while it being on cooldown.
UPDATED 10-5-2020
added casting swipe for fist of fury to prevent clipping of this ability. this makes the script more user friendly.
UPDATED 10-4-2020
tweaked concentrated flame and reaping flames, tweaked conflict and strife, changed some chi calculating dynamics. reaping flame now shows in main aura, and also for multi target.
UPDATED 11-1-2020
this specialisation is now fully compatible with the changes of patch 8.3 which will be released on January 14th. The new essences are incorporated and the keybinding detection functionality is now applied to all major essences equipped for an optimal gaming experience. For more in depth information about the changes or for leftover questions, feel free to contact our support team.
added compatibility for storm eath and fire for players who didnt reach lv100 yet and thus were unable to select a tier 7 talent.
UPDATED 19-10-2019
updated keybindings compatibility and auto detect. conflict and strife’s reverse harm within main aura.
UPDATED 24-7-2019
conflict and strike essence bug fixed, now compatible with ‘reverse harm’ ability.
the multi target script is still datestamped july 16th
UPDATED 16-7-2019
incorporated all essences into the rotation.
UPDAtED 12-6-2019
optimal for patch 8.2, fixed the tooltip frame strata bugs. release of new illustrational video
UPDATED 20-4-2019
minor changes to visuals and tweaks to the hitcombo synergy.
UPDATED 31-12-2018
tweaked the jade wind interaction and all its interspell dynamics; as this was broken due to 8.1 changes on multi target.
converted all legacy auras.
Removed the independency of the multi target script; it now depends on the hitcombo tracker of the single target script thereby preventing double coding. on the downside the single target script needs to be loaded for the functionality of the multi target script; this is by default used by 99% of the community, as adviced.
UPDATED 14-12-2018
updated for the use in patch 8.1
UPDATED 02-11-2018
Reworked the Mastery: Combo strikes / Hit combo, as this feature was broken due to some azerite trait interactions.
Also reworked the interface a bit and removed unneccesary auras.
Re-evaluated to the latest developments and the scripts are optimal up to date.
UPDATED 26-08-2018
updated the script to the latest standards on icy veins. script now makes most efficient use of Mastery: combo strikes, even when not taking the talent hit combo.
added icons for detox, legsweep, paralysis, spear hand strike for interrupt. Altered the rotation to be optimal with serenety as this was not initially the case.
Altered the AoE rotation, softened the spinning crane kick execution and SCK only shows when 3+ targets are within melee range otherwise will auto hide.
UPDATED 29-07-2018
Added fro single target rotation: a filler tiger palm when at 0CP and people didnt open correctly the rotation with tigerpalm.
Added for single target rotation: a Disabled icon when in pvp combat (arena, battleground)
UPDATED 02-07-2018
Released BfA version, which is still subjective to changes, changes will be automatically uploaded and accessible for the community. Remodelled the website interface for BfA.
Changed the combat log unfiltered triggers to be replaced by a single listener and multiple global receivers instead of recalculation all the time. serveral minor tweaks added aswell.
UPDATED 04-02-2018 addition of the pvp extension, no changes to the core rotation scripts.
UPDATED 14-02-2018
tweak to hitcombo trackers: it now takes into account the variable of missed spells which DO count as a hitcombo. variables:ABSORB”BLOCK””DEFLECT””DODGE””EVADE””IMMUNE””MISS””PARRY”REFLECT””RESIST”
UPDATED 30-01-2018
Tweak to hit combo, tweak to visual for hit combo, minor changes.
UPDATED 24-01-2018
tweak to legendary head incombination with BK! procs. changed visual for dumping TP with “dump”.
adjusted the sensitivity of the dump TPs (energy dynamics).
Rechecked status for 7.3.5 and fully optimal.
UPDATED 29-12-2017
added identifier for the emperors lightning, which shows at 20 stacks. this should be used on CD on single target (@20stacks) and depending on how many targets you are fighting on CD for multi target.
UPDATED 02-10-2017
Tweaked single target rotation (RSK > FoF in prio)
Implemented high perf gcd; reduced memory usage by 51%
Compatible with all game languages now.
Confirmed output to the latest standards of the ww monk spec.
How do I install these scripts? Click here
How do I access my scripts after completion? Entered the wrong e-mail address at purchase? Nobody is perfect, contact us with your transaction ID and we will fix it for you.
1) At “MY WOW DOC” account, just login with your e-mail address and password in our website (you can find your password in your mail)
2) directly downloadable at your checkout-completion page
3) directly downloadable from your receipt in your self chosen e-mail address (if it doesn’t show in your inbox; check your spam/junk folder)
Talent compatibility of the script. Do i have the right talents? All talents are compatible. Pick the ones best suited for your situation, the script automatically adapts to it! [/showhide] I can use this with all game languages, correct?
These scripts are compatible with all game languages like english, german, french, spanish, italian and many others.
How have these scripts been crafted?
I have a question and cannot find the answer where can i contact you?
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