The War Within 11.0
Maximize your DPS output with this user friendly
and extreme high quality rotation addon script!
Simulation of script
Change log UPDATED 28-08-2024 UPDATED 01-10-2021 UPDATED 01-06-2021 UPDATED 21-2-2021 UPDATED 31-07-2018 UPDATED 13-06-2018 Legion: UPDATE 17-02-2018
New rotational core based on the latest sims + hero talent compatibility. kill command hotfixes
UPDATED 23-07-2024
Fully updated for the use in The War Within 11.0 patch
UPDATED 09-05-2024
optimizations for s4 df. cd incorporation, border changes, ui changes, multi target txt sat changes.
UPDATED 10-02-2024
ui changes
UPDATED 10-01-2024
Reworked the multi target variables and inrange calculations, among other rotational optim. T31
UPDATED 27-11-2023
Further rework for the use in patch 10.2
UPDATED 04-11-2023
Reworked for the use in patch 10.2
UPDATED 03-09-2023
Reviewed. No changes required for patch 10.1.7
UPDATED 16-07-2023
Full rework for patch 10.1.5
UPDATED 16-05-2023
New rotational core adjusted for the latest simulations T30
UPDATED 22-04-2023
Full rework for patch 10.1
UPDATED 22-03-2023
reworked for 10.0.7
UPDATED 25-02-2023
tweak dynamics bestial wrath,barbedshot,killcommand
UPDATED 24-01-2023
primal rage tracks all other bloodlusts debuff effects now aswell. optimal for 10.0.5
UPDATED 23-01-2023
full reforge t29 vault
UPDATED 08-12-2022
hotfixed death chakram keybinding
UPDATED 29-10-2022
Reworked the multi target rotation for a more plug and play play style. Now includes dynamic tracking of Focus in relation to beast cleave to adequately fill. changed the filler countdown timer of beast cleave (multi-shot).
UPDATED 24-10-2022
Release of Dragonflight beta script
UPDATED 17-06-2022
re optimized for patch 9.2.5
UPDATED 09-02-2022
reworked and optimized for patch 9.2
UPDATED 4-12-2021
added trinket tweaks
UPDATED 15-11-2021
Some core changes to reflect the latest min-max optimizations of this patch.
barbed shot and kill command millisecond timer tweaks auto adjusts for players haste.
wailing arrow full incorporation in the main rotation with covenant synergy and delay (kyrian) or regular usage.
resonating arrow full incorporation in the main rotation.
bestial wrath tweaks when kyrian.
added racials: bag of tricks, arcane torrent, berserking, arcane pulse, lights judgment, fireblood, ancestral recall.
changed priority of pet mend over non-standard interrupt.
added some glow effects.
Added a 3 stack frenzy visual as a thick red border around your rotation, showing the player is doing excellent.
UPDATED 19-10-2021
reoptimized for the use in 9.1.5. tweaked wailing arrow.UPDATED 26-06-2021
Updated in reflection of the latest changes for upcoming patch 9.1 including Sylvana’s new legendary bow’s ability Wailing Arrow.
Not specified
Not specified
Reforged the addon to the latest intel of 9.0. Added a full set of multi target (3+ enemies) rotation which tracks everything to determine the optimal rotation. Tested extensively in live, yielding absurd DPS numbers!
UPDATED 19-12-20202
automatic detection of soulforge embers in head and shoulders instead of always shown.
UPDATED 14-12-2020
added serveral shift keybindings to the keybind abbreviations (shift 1 2 3 4 5 q e r t f g)
UPDATED 10-12-2020
added compatibility with forging embers legendary (tar trap+flare)
UPDATED 8-12-2020
hotfixed kill commands sensitivity on cd, tweaked scent of blood-barbedshot-bestial wrath interaction, decreased treshold for necrolord covenant ability, added barbed shot overlay over the multi target to secure beast cleave in aoe setting. repositioned trinkets, barrage and stampede.
UPDATED 21-11-2020
hotfixes steady shot, it will only show for players lower than level 14. (at lv14 steady shot is replaced by cobra shot).
UPDATED 16-11-2020
added tweaks for lower than level 50 players. fully optimal starting from level 10 all the way to 60. Added weapon checker to make sure the player has a bow, gun or crossbow equipped.
UPDATED 12-11-2020
added all class abilities from covenants.
–> fully ready for shadowlands 9.0
UPDATED 11-11-2020
small tweaks to barbed shots. verified full compatibility with all shadowlands conduits available from your covenant. verified full compatibility with legendaries. All text message with successful loaded and where to find updates.
Added automatic detection of on use trinkets and accesses their keybindings –> added on side aura for on use.
covenant class abilities will be added shortly.
UPDATED 5-11-2020
removed hunters mark due to recent changes and no contribution to dps.
UPDATED 3-11-2020
tweaks to barbed shot timer. tweaks to keybindings. added keybinding for revive and mend pet.
UPDATED 28-10-2020
hotfixed bloodshed icon, added the abbr. for mouse keybindings and numpad keybindings. readded major essences for the prepatch being.
UPDATED 23-8-2020
Fully reforged for the use in shadowlands 9.0
UPDATED 27-7-2020
added pet mend, tweaks to major reaping flame essence.
script now compatible for leveling sub lv 100. all the way from level 1 🙂
UPDATED 9-5-2020
increased the sensitivity of KC with 10% of your current gcd. it will now prompt being 1.1gcd away from being usable. up from 1.0.
UPDATED 8-4-2020
while in a dungeon or raid, multi shot will only appear if multiple targets are under attack and will hide when no targets are under attack or only 1 target is under attack. this makes the interface more clean during dungeons and raids and hides the multi shot appropriately.
UPDATED 22-2-2020
reworked the script to the latest standards and developments: dynamic rotational alterations have been reworked linked to: Dance of Death, Primal Instincts, Opener, multi target and basic barbed shot dynamics.
Its adviced to replace your old scripts with this new version for optimal performance.
UPDATED 31-12-2019
Prereleased the 8.3 script to be compatible with the upcomming changes in 8.3.
It is now compatible with 3 new essences and all essences have correct functioning key binding prompts.
UPDATED 12-10-2019
incorporated recognition of keybindings and prompting these keybindings together with the icons in the script. It now shows you what button/keybinding to press together with the visual of tha ability#nextleveldev
UPDATED 16-7-2019
incorporated/ compatible with all essences.
UPDATED 11-6-2019
optimal for patch 8.2, hotfixed tooltip frame strata, added glow effect to countershot.
UPDATED 18-4-2019
Hotfixed multi-shot as it was using the wrong identifier for beast cleave; thereby it was suboptimal. changed the frenzy-barbed calculator visual. resized the 3+ multi-shot visual to default 64×65 pixels.
UPDATED 2-4-2019
edited barbed shot calculator, now shares coding for single and multi target to prevent double coding. changed aura tracking conditions to be more efficient. edited primal opener. small other tweaks.
UPDATED 04-01-2019
fixed a bug with beast cleave, 2+ target script has been saved under date stamp 03 january.
UPDATED 03-01-2019
full reforge in WA2.10.11
UPDATED 30-12-2018
converted legacy auras. move the opener major CDs to left main when in no combat.
UPDATED 18-12-2018
tweaks between the interaction of KC and Cobra shot.
KC will now show a few milliseconds earlier when comming of CD, added a filler KC instead of a killer cobra shot when kill command is within 2.5seconds on cd and/or resource focus is dynamically low in which it might interfere with the usage of KC.
added the latest single target version without primal instinct in the FREE to acquire link.
UPDATED 16-12-2018
small tweak for the ” with primal” 1 & 2+ target script towards the frenzy-barbedshotspellcd calculator. which are both saved under the datestamp 12-12-2018.
UPDARED 12-12-2018
adjusted for the changes in 8.1 (only minor tweaks to BW-AotW synergy and cross talking)
UPDATED 09-11-2018
Some feedback from users with lag during raid: all scripts have been hotfixed in their custom coding to resolve this, the new versions have been uploaded, date stamp is still at 08-11-2018 however.
UPDATED 08-11-2018
Reworked the openers for BM hunter. made 2 seperated build to adapt to your azerite trait: Primal Instinct, make sure to import only the builds you need according to your Primal instinct azerite trait. for questions feel free to mail.
UPDATED 27-08-2018
Tweaked the BM hunter script to the latest changes. moved kill command higher up on priority in relation to chimaera shot.
Reworked the opener: moved MoC to opener, tweaked visual and initation of aspect of the wild. couples AotW to DBM pull timer, chained Bestial wrath to opener with aspect.
Reworked the multi target rotation to not focus starve.
Reworked barbed shot to get 3 stacks, reworked barbed shot to secure uptime for slow clickers.
Tweaked the priority for chimaera, added multi target seperated aura for 2-4targets and 5+ targets: multi-shot in appropriate priority. moved barrage to sideaura. some positioning changes on side aura.
Released BfA version, which is still subjective to changes, changes will be automatically uploaded and accessible for the community. Remodelled the website interface for BfA.
Reforged the script to be fully optimal for 7.3.5 featuring: changed priority system to the latest developments of 7.3.5, merged the 2-4 targets and 5+ targets into 1 aura: since the rotation is 99% the base, the multi shot highest priority for 5+ is shown seperately and only for 5+: this prevents unneccsary memory usage. confirmed output values relatively to simDPS. result=awesome 🙂
fully optimised for zoo build and dire-frenzy build! yay
UPDATE 19-09-2017
Script has had a major overhaul to the single and both multi target script! , it is now compacter (-35%) due to global cooldown changes, more fluent and includes advance timer which calculates if dire frenzy will fit inside the buff compared its cooldown at 0 charges. small tweaks edited aswell.
UPDATE 23-7-2017
reworked rotation core to meet the new standards at icy veins, crafted seperate multi targets 2-4 and 5+, all languages compatible now aswell.
UPDATE 22-7-2017: updated a bug with aspect of the wild in combination with talent chimaera shot or stomp. fixed now
UPDATE 28-6-17: tweaked a load option, 1 aura was always loading even if playing other classes. added mend pet and kiljaeden trinket on side aura to use when needed.
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1) At “MY WOW DOC” account, just login with your e-mail address and password in our website (you can find your password in your mail)
2) directly downloadable at your checkout-completion page
3) directly downloadable from your receipt in your self chosen e-mail address (if it doesn’t show in your inbox; check your spam/junk folder)
Talent compatibility of the script. Do i have the right talents? All talents are compatible. Pick the ones best suited for your situation, the script automatically adapts to it!
I can use this with all game languages, correct?
How have these scripts been crafted?
I have a question and cannot find the answer where can i contact you?
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