The War Within 11.0
Maximize your DPS and HPS output
with this user friendly and extreme high quality rotation addon script!
Change log
UPDATED 02-09-2024
Hero talent alterations + new rotational core in line with the latest sims.
UPDATED 26-07-2024
Fully updated for the use in The War Within 11.0 patch
UPDATED 18-01-2024
jadefire stomp substitute for faeline
UPDATED 07-01-2024
Ui changes and core changes to aoe healing + jade serpent statue usage
UPDATED 03-12-2023
Changed the multi-healing variables as party and raid counter api changed.
UPDATED 20-11-2023
Hotfixed inrange and multi target variables due to recent API changes.
UPDATED 04-11-2023
Reworked for the use in patch 10.2
UPDATED 06-10-2023
dps and heal sub groups
UPDATED 02-09-2023
Rework 10.1.7 ; mana tea changes among others
UPDATED 16-07-2023
Full rework for patch 10.1.5
UPDATED 29-04-2023
Full rework for patch 10.1
UPDATED 15-04-2023
reworked rotational core and small ui fixes
UPDATED 17-01-2023
Updated compatibility with sheilun’s gift (added in patch 10.0.5) optimal for 10.0.5.
UPDATED 17-01-2023
Reforged T29 vault.
UPDATED 31-10-2022
Reworked and released for dragonflight 10.0
UPDATED 20-06-2022
added BOK(3) buffed dps triggers, tweaks to multi target rotation in particular with last talent row. gcd-casting visuals sweep alterations, 3+ target txt
UPDATED 06-06-2022
optimized for patch 9.2.5
UPDATED 16-02-2022
reworked and optimized for the use in patch 9.2
UPDATED 06-12-2021
optimized further for 9.1.5
UPDATED 26-06-2021
Updated in reflection of the latest changes for upcoming patch 9.1
UPDATED 22-2-2021
reworked jade serpent statue, with different dynamics and compatible with all game languages as it should. reworked UI for several abilities. some core dynamic changes. tested in live 9.0 optimal effective output.
UPDATED 28-12-2020
added covenant abilities and on use trinkets, small ui changes.
updated 15-10-2020
fully reforged for the use in 9.0 shadowlands.
UPDATED 8-8-2020
added casting sweep in addition to gcd sweep. changed casting variable for all spells and not only the channeling spell essence font. Other smaal tweaks, changes and hotfixes for end tier BfA.
UPDATED 19-5-2020
Added pandemic timers for renewing mist.
removed differentiation for renewing mist in regards to lv100 talents. They use overlapping conditions now.
added different trackers for soothing mist which now are target specific instead of player casting specific.
changed enveloping mist to check if the target had a player specific soothing mist rolling.
changed dps rotation for enveloping mist with rising mist talented.
changed positioning of the dps and healing interface.
renewing mist will hide when the target is to injured and requires more imminent healing.
added AoE healing conditions where the script checks all party or raid members hp to determine the use of essence font/ refreshing jade wind/ chi burst
UPDATED 28-3-2020
optimisation tweaks for Rising Mist weaving!
UPDATED 26-3-2020
released to public
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