The War Within 11.0.7
Maximize your DPS output with this user friendly
and extreme high quality rotation addon script!
Simulation of script
Use this talent load-out for maximum single target DPS output 11.0.7:
Use this talent load-out for maximum multi target DPS output (mythic+) 11.0.7:
Change log UPDATED 07-12-2024 Legion: Installation How do I install these scripts? Click here FAQ How do I access my scripts after completion? Entered the wrong e-mail address at purchase? Nobody is perfect, contact us with your transaction ID and we will fix it for you.
Optimization 11.0.5 and 11.0.7. new talents suggestions for best results live. new sim graph
UPDATED 01-10-2024
Full optimization in line with the latest sims output 95% of simdps
UPDATED 26-08-2024
Core rotational reforge + hero talent dynamics
UPDATED 24-07-2024
Fully updated for the use in The War Within 11.0 patch
UPDATED 17-02-2024
essence break rework to the latest sim algor.
UPDATED 31-12-2023
full rework T31 and multi target distance tracker.
UPDATED 18-11-2023
Hotfixed ranged and multi target variables due to recent changes within the ranged-api
UPDATED 04-11-2023
Reworked for the use in patch 10.2
UPDATED 03-09-2023
Reviewed. No changes required for patch 10.1.7
UPDATED 16-07-2023
Full rework for patch 10.1.5
UPDATED 14-05-2023
Full rework for patch 10.1
UPDATED 13-04-2023
additional rework for patch 10.0.7.
UPDATED 22-03-2023
reworked for patch 10.0.7.
UPDATED 02-01-2023
tweaks to unbound-chaos-momentum dynamics, tweaks to distance vengeful retreat and fel rush-momentum. dynamics. tweaks to range checks and initiative buff. optimal for 10.0.5
UPDATED 01-01-2023
full reforge t29 simulation; total epicness
UPDATED 05-12-2022
serrated glaives, soulrend, visuals in top displays of filler abilities.
UPDATED 03-12-2022
hotfix elysian decree
UPDATED 19-11-2022
tweak to fel rush-unbound chaos.
UPDATED 30-10-2022
sinful brand and fodder fix
UPDATED 27-10-2022
blade dance fix
UPDATED 26-10-2022
momentum fix
UPDATED 24-10-2022
Release of Dragonflight beta script
UPDATED 03-07-2022
merged the leveling script and max level script. the rotation will automatically adapt while increasing your level, choosing talents, and equipped legendaries / tier bonuses.
UPDATED 02-07-2022
added a leveling script for new demon hunters from level 8 until level 50. from 50 and onward use the regular script. players get both scripts at purchase.
UPDATED 16-06-2022
re optimized for patch 9.2.5
UPDATED 02-04-2022
minor changes in reflect to tier 28 2pc and 4pc and double leggo.
UPDATED 04-02-2022
reworked and optimized for the use in upcoming patch 9.2
UPDATED 01-12-2021
removed the pre combat eye beam as this dynamic is only optimal with a 20>sec pull timer.
tweaks to sinful brand in relation to agony gaze. added eye beam agony case extender at higher prio.
UPDATED 30-11-2021
tweaks to trinkets and kyrian covenant steward healing.
UPDATED 16-11-20201
hotfixed a glaive tempest issue when it was on cooldown smaller than 1 second in regards to its resource dynamic.
Added glow effects for metamorphosis for a more plug and play experience, while using it at the most optimal moments.
UPDATED 24-10-2021
fully reworked the entire addon, new rotational core which adapts to chosen talent (demonic vs momentum vs fel barrage). Optimal DPS output. compatible with all talents. compatible with chaos theory and darkglare runecrafting power legendary alterations.
UPDATED 26-06-2021
Updated in reflection of the latest changes for upcoming patch 9.1
UPDATED 08-02-2021
Reforged to the latest standards of simulations and top parsing players. Added compatibility with Chaos theory, serrated glaives and all other legendaries/conduits. changed some visuals and layouts.
UPDATED 25-12-2020
chaos theory annihilation tweak.
UPDATED 22-12-2020
added chaos theory compatibility, many other tweaks had already been implemented with the update of 22-11-2020 this however was not included in the change log.
UPDATED 29-10-2020
added lower than level 50 compatibility starting from level 10 when havoc spec is being able to be selected.
tweaks to various abilities at end game.
UPDATED 29-8-2020
Fully reforged for the use in shadow lands 9.0
UPDATED 8-8-2020
Balanced tweaks and hotfixes for end tier nyalotha BfA.
UPDATED 26-5-2020
added auras for soul fragments when talented demonic appetite. these auras will indicate if you should collect, or stand still since collecting will overflow your fury resource pool 🙂
UPDATED 15-5-2020
updated the gcd for casting abilities such as eye beam to take into account its timer rather than the standard gcd. this prevents possible clipping of eye beam.
UPDATED 9-5-2020
Added mitigation utility to sideaura (netherwalk, blur). Added Choas Nova to interrupt side bar.
UPDATED 3-4-2020
updated to the latest changes of simcraft. dynamic interaction of eye beam-death sweep-and revolving blades azerite conditions added. lowers priority listing on imo aura. removed rotational fel rush during pvp combat, to allow it for utility purpose. added some essence specific synergies (meta/unbound force buff). changes priority listing of concentrated flame and reaping flame according to simcraft. added distance conditions for fel rush , throw glavie and vengeful retreat when far away from your target. changed some multi target conditions when NOT talented first blood, otherwise just follow the main rotation which takes everything into account.
UPDATED 12-1-2020
this specialization is now fully compatible with the changes of patch 8.3 which will be released on January 14th. The new essences are incorporated and the keybinding detection functionality is now applied to all major essences equipped for an optimal gaming experience. For more in depth information about the changes or for leftover questions, feel free to contact our support team.
UPDATED 16-11-2019
updated to the latest standards on simcraft 8.2.5
added more synergistic triggers for dark slash (and its interactions with blind fury, demonic etc).
added more proper use of momentum in synergy with meta or eye beam, without overflowing. added a distance tracker for retreat.
added multi target melee range calculations for blade dance/death sweep / eye beam with 3 targets around you at higher prio.
UPDATED 24-10-2019
incorporated the automatic detection of character specific keybinding; these bindings will now be prompted together with the ability icon for even more user friendly guidance!
UPDATED 15-8-2019
released the free single target version to the community. this script is not compatible with felblade, immolation aura and/or Momentum. All other talents are fully supported.
UPDATED 22-7-2019
released a script for lower than 106; because the end game script for demon hunter does not correctly load when your character is lower than lv106. This is because the script is looking for talent synergistic conditions to track, but obviously no talent has even been selected. For leveling purposes use the <106 script, otherwise use the ‘default’ endgame script. for questions feel free to contact us at any time, as we understand this might be confusing.
default script is still date stamped July 19th and is unchanged.
UPDATED 19-7-2019
incorporated all 8.2 essences into the script.
UPDATED 11-6-2019
optimal for patch 8.2 fixed tooltip frama strat bugs.
UPDATED 31-3-2019
script full reforged in WA2.11.6, optimal for patch 8.1.5, all talents compatible; auto adapts.
UPDATED 31-12-2018
converted legacy auras to new format.
UPDATED 13-12-2018
updated for the use in patch 8.1
UPDATED 16-11-2018
minor changes to the havoc DH script to make it optimal for the latest developments in the communities and discord:
tweaked fel barrage as it was malfunctioning in some talent builds. tweaked darkslash and its communication with chaos strike/eye beam to make it optimal even when not talented into blind fury. no matter what talent combinations you use now, the script will adjust optimally. removed some talent suggestion auras related to dark slash as they aren’t needed anymore. reshuffled minor priority in absolute filler abilities throw glaive and fel rush (when not talented momentum).
UPDATED 05-08-2018
Re-tweaked the script to the latest knowledge and standards from icy veins and the havoc demon hunter discords. Edited the multi target script to be only visible when enemy nameplates are enabled and 3+ targets are withing melee cleave range. Added a talent advice visual during non-combat when chosen the talent dark slash (advised to use in conjunction with demonic and blind fury= burst build). Did some other small tweaks, including multi language IDs. edited the website interface. added talent section on webpage.
UPDATED 26-06-2018
Released BfA version, which is still subjective to changes, changes will be automatically uploaded and accessible for the community. Remodeled the website interface for BfA.
UPDATED 11-12-2017
rechecked and confirmed for 7.3.2 changes titles of the scripts adequately. fully compatible with T21 and legendaries.
UPDATED 27-09-2017
Script does now hide when you have no target selected.
Incorporated high performance gcd with 50%reduced memory usage overall.
merged the single target scripts, there’s no longer a CD separated and integrated version. single target script is standard for free now.
Merged 3 en 4+ targets to 1 script as there is no need to separate them.
Rechecked all latest developments and tested accurately with excellent performance.[/showhide]
After a successful transaction you will immediate access to your scripts at the following locations:
1) At “MY WOW DOC” account, just login with your e-mail address and password in our website (you can find your password in your mail)
2) directly downloadable at your checkout-completion page
3) directly downloadable from your receipt in your self chosen e-mail address (if it doesn’t show in your inbox; check your spam/junk folder)
Talent compatibility of the script. Do i have the right talents? All talents are compatible. Pick the ones best suited for your situation, the script automatically adapts to it!
I can use this with all game languages, correct?
How have these scripts been crafted?
I have a question and cannot find the answer where can i contact you?
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