The War Within 11.0
Maximize your DPS output with this user friendly
and extreme high quality rotation addon script!
Simulation of script
Use this talent load-out for optimal single target DPS:
Use this talent load-out for optimal multi target DPS (Mythic+):
Change log UPDATED 09-10-2024 Legion: UPDATE 26-02-2018
optimizations in line with the latest sims 95-100% simdps. new implosion dynamics, multi target counter, keybind hotfixes, swap indicators for multi target demonbolt and more
UPDATED 28-08-2024
rotational optimization + hero talent compatibility.
UPDATED 01-08-2024
hotfixed healthstone variables + trinket fixes
UPDATED 31-07-2024
Removed default rotation, changed cd rotation dynamics due to changed cd timers merged into 1 version with smaller cd icons (which are delayable). hotfix for vilefiend alterations. hotfix for grimoire felguard visuals.
UPDATED 25-07-2024
Fully updated for the use in The War Within 11.0 patch
UPDATED 10-04-2024
Reworked implosion incorporated into main auras (only use when 2+ targets)
UPDATED 13-03-2024
Removed soul strike from rotation as most players use this on auto-use mode in pet’s spellbook.
UPDATED 10-01-2024
Re-optimized for T31
UPDATED 22-11-2023
Reworked for the use in patch 10.2
UPDATED 03-09-2023
Reviewed. No changes required for patch 10.1.7
UPDATED 18-07-2023
Implosion update
UPDATED 16-07-2023
full rework for patch 10.1.5 including the new talent changes, talent tree alterations, new bombers SS dynamics, new vars for demonic strength and more
UPDATED 03-05-2023
full rework for patch 10.1
UPDATED 22-03-2023
Reworked for patch 10.0.7.
UPDATED 03-02-2023
10.0.5 hotfixes and optimizations
UPDATED 01-01-2023
hotfix soul strike, added all in one implosion interface.
UPDATED 31-12-2022
hotfixed the pooling of vile in regards to grimoire in the cd rotation, new rotational core, visual changes, incorporation of nether portal.
UPDATED 17-12-2022
removed custom implosion cast imp tricker since it was producing lua errors without being that beneficial to the large community.
UPDATED 07-12-2022
hotfix: pet assist, guilotine-demonic strength interaction, other small tweaks.
UPDATED 01-12-2022
added pet assist support icon
UPDATED 10-11-2022
tweak for implosion/not implosion & imp counter. Tweak for demonic tyrant without vile.
UPDATED 24-10-2022
Release of Dragonflight beta script
UPDATED 17-06-2022
re optimized for patch 9.2.5
UPDATED 16-02-2022
reworked and optimized for patch 9.2
UPDATED 12-01-2022
hot fixed wilfred’s sigil legendary
UPDATED 29-11-2021
Due to the high complexity of micromanagement of this spec i have now splitted the rotation in just 2 rotations:
the CD rotation which uses all cooldowns in optimal synergy / pooling / etc.
the normal rotation which does not use cooldowns (grimoire, tyrant and vilefiend). This rotation only uses vilefiend when it will not interfere with an upcoming grimoire/tyrant synergy cycle. This way you can do optimal dps while preserving your cooldowns for upcoming boss/ priority packs.
UPDATED 28-11-2021
opener while being night fae will adapt to your chosen soulbind partner. Added some more plug and play visuals.
Changed the variables for summon demonic tyrant for a precise determination in line with the expiring timers of your demons. Make sure to START YOUR DEMONIC TYRANT CAST, BEFORE THE TIMER HITS 0. (shows 4 seconds in advance. The timer is already corrected for the casting time of your summon demonic tyrant spell.
UPDATED 20-10-2021
tweaked to the latest developments in 9.1.5. Re optimized the entire opener including glow effects for the major CDs for a plug and play opener. It is adviced to take Night Fae covenant with the soul rot ability for highest numbers!
UPDATED 23-06-2021
updated in accordance with the upcoming changes of patch 9.1
UPDATED 1-4-2021
hotfixed demonic strength, relocated trinket locations, repositioned keybidings for side aura to bottem right instead of bottem.
UPDATED 7-1-2021
removed corruption from the demo lock rotation as it should (no SS synergy).
UPDATED 14-12-2020
hotfixed the identifier for talent Doom.
UPDATED 21-11-2020
added covenant class abilities, added on use trinkets
UPDATED 12-9-2020
Fully reforged for the use in shadowlands 9.0
UPDATED 10-8-2020
added a casting sweep in addition to the gcd sweep. hotfixes the txt message in chat interface which was misinforming about the datestamp of the most recent versions. Other small tweaks, changes and hotfixes.
UPDATED 25-06-2020
hotfixed the “DS 99” string bug in chat.
UPDATED 12-4-2020
automatically detection of explosive potential and compatible with all game languages for this custom type of code. since it now uses universal identifiers instead of language specific strings.
UPDATED 9-4-2020
hotfixed implosion for french and spanish users, as it was malfunctioning due to a custom code typo.
script now auto detects if you have explosive potential equipped (trait) and adapts for this with an implosion visual.
Added reaping flames to the main rotation instead of side aura. reaping flames and concentrated flame are now displayed higher up in the rotational dynamics.
UPDATED 6-3-2020
hotfixed implosion for german client (wrong identifier used in coding). Implosion counter now properly counts and functions for german language users.
UPDATED 22-2-2020
fixed a small bug of the demonic strength talent in conjuction with a autocast felstorm of your pet. It will now dynamically track and crosscommunicate. #fixed
UPDATED 12-1-2020
this specialisation is now fully compatible with the changes of patch 8.3 which will be released on January 14th. The new essences are incorporated and the keybinding detection functionality is now applied to all major essences equipped for an optimal gaming experience. For more in depth information about the changes or for leftover questions, feel free to contact our support team
UPDATED 24-10-2019
incorporated the automatic detection of character specific keybinding; these bindings will now be prompted together with the ability icon for even more user friendly guidance!
UPDATED 17-7-2019
incorporated all essences into the rotation.
UPDATED 14-6-2019
optimal for patch 8.2, updated explosive potential to take account for inner demons talent dynamics. changed the tooltip frame strata bugs.
UPDATED 23-4-2019
tweak demonic core, precast demonbolt
UPDATED 18-4-2019
tweaked opener pre-castr demonbolt to take into account demonic care buff; as it then doesnt count as precast. rest of rotation is the same.
UPDATED 31-3-2019
full reforge in WA2.6.11, the rotation has shifted considerably and is now also compatible with explosive potentional azerite trait. its strongly adviced to replace your older versions with this new build.
UPDATED 12-12-2018
adjusted to 8.1 release. next update will be considerd containing bilescourge bombers within the main rotation as this has moved to the single target rotation aswell according to guides.
UPDATED 18-11-2018
recheckt the optimality of the script. tweaked the vilefiend summon demon tyrant synergy when talented vilefiend.
according to icy veins vilefiend is higher prio than summon dreads, other sources say the opposite.
We tested both conditions and didnt achieve a dps difference (they are top prio together either way so the 1.5-2 sec delay didnt make a difference).
Therefore we relied on keeping summon dreads slightly over vilefiend, since it has a lower CD; to maximize its casts during a fight.
UPDATED 23-07-2018
tweaked summon demonic tyrant on side aura; it will now only show with dreadstalkers up, or casting dreadstalkers, taking into account the cast timers and uptimers. If needed it will delay SDT upto 8 seconds to benefit the synergistic power with call dreads.
UPDATED 03-07-2018
Released BfA version, which is still subjective to changes, changes will be automatically uploaded and accessible for the community. Remodelled the website interface for BfA.
Released new version of the implosion build, this group/addon/aura will automatically load when selected talent implosion and hide when implosion is not selected. it has an imp counter so you know exactly how many imps you are able to implode. this script should be used when fighting 3 or more targets with the talent implosion. also compatible with summon darkglare (adviced to take talent hand of guldan) but this is not manditatory (you will ahve to apply dooms manually).
UPDATE 25-02-2018
Reforged the addon for the use in 7.3.5. changed visuals, integrated a demon add counter coupled to thal’kiels consumption, changed visuals, changed some rotational aspects, added healthstone user, added pet based interrupts, seperated summon darkglare from the single target aura as is should only be used on 2 targets and above according to the latest sims, added opener visuals (DE > SB/DB > Doom/CD), added an icon to change your lv15 talent (shadowflame) as this is not supported, tweaked felstorm when glyphed wraithguard. The visuals and dynamics of demonic empowerment have been altered to adequately show you to use it as the previous script for this ability was timer based, it now keeps showing it until you used it as you should. tested and confirmed optimal dps compared to simulationDPS. the multi target implosion build will be updates shortly aswell and will be free; stay tuned.
UPDATED 25-11-2017
Pandemic apply of Doom at a lower priority when not talented hand of guldan is now compatible.
UPDATED 03-10-2017
Addon totally reforged to the new standards in 7.3 including legendaries(for example shoulders) and T20set.
Implemented high performance GCD, high performance spell casting tracker and cooldown tracker.
Compatible with all game langues. supports pets.
Tested and compared to simulations: excellent output.
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1) At “MY WOW DOC” account, just login with your e-mail adress and password in our website (you can find your password in your mail)
2) directly downloadable at your checkout-completion page
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Talent compatibility of the script. Do i have the right talents? All talents are compatbile. Pick the ones best suited for your situation, the script automatically adapts to it! [/showhide] I can use this with all game languages, correct?
These scripts are compatible with all game languages like english, german, french, spanish, italian and many others.
How have these scripts been crafted?
I have a question and cannot find the answer where can i contact you?
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